This lab is meant to give students hands-on experience in utilizing on-line resources for data collection, specifically the US Census Bureau's website, and manipulating the data to be useful in GIS analysis. Completing this lab will showcase the students ability to download tabular data and shape files from the US Census Bureau's website, join standalone tables to attribute tables, create appropriate maps, and build visually pleasing layouts. Two maps will be generate through this lab. The first will be a population density map of Wisconsin and the second will display any chosen variable available to the student, downloaded from the US Census Bureau's website, concerning Wisconsin.
The US Census Bureau's mission is "To serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy." They do this by attempting "To provide the best mix of timeliness, relevancy, quality, and cost for the data we collect and services we provide." Different data is collected at different time intervals; a population and housing census is done every 10 years, an economic census and government census is done every 5 years, and as of 2010 the American Community Survey is done annually. To learn more about the US Census visit their website here:
About Us
The data that will be downloaded and utilized for this lab is "2010 SF1 100% Data" which is collected every 10 years. This data is the most basic of all census data and includes: total population, age cohorts, household size, racial breakdowns, housing units, relationships in households, and renter/owner occupied.
To begin, navigate to this website:
American Fact Finder
Part I - Downloading Data
Figure 1: The American fact finder website. Click advanced search to continue.
Figure 2: The advanced search page. Click Topics to pick the area of interest. Here the data set can be chosen. Clicking the area of interest will
place it in the upper left corner of the screen in the "Your Selections"
Figure 3: Next click on Geographies. Here the area of interest can be chosen. Clicking Add To Your Selections will place the area of interest in the "Your Selections" box.
Figure 4: Once the Topic and Geographies are chosen, the data set(s) can be chosen by filling in the box next to the name of the desired data set. Then click download.
The data will be downloaded as a .zip file. Extracting the contents will result in two excel tables. One is the metadata and the other is the census data. The census data has a field named GEO#id which will be used to join the data to a shape file that will be downloaded next.
Part II - Downloading Shape Files
Figure 5: In Geographies, click the map tab. This will bring up the shape file for the area of interest. Click the download button to open the Download window.
Figure 6: The Download window. Here options for which type of data should be downloaded are chosen. Shapefiles are at the bottom.
The shape file comes in a .zip format as well and will need to be extracted the same way as the data. The shape file can then be opened in ArcMap.
Figure 7: Here is the shape file displayed in ArcMap without any joins or symbolization. The excel table can also be seen in the Table of Contents.
Figure 8: The attribute tables for both the shape file (right) and the excel table (left) are shown. The GEO#id field in the excel table and the GEO_ID field in the shape file's table will be used as the foundations for a one-to-one cardinality attribute join.
Figure 9: Right click the shape file in the table of contents, hover over Joins and Relates, and click join. This window will appear. Chose the correct fields and table for the join and click OK.
Figure 10: This is the resulting table after the excel spreadsheet was joined to the shape file.
Figure 11: Right click on the shape file in the Table of Contents and select the symbology tab. Click the dropdown menu for Value to add the data to be mapped. Click the dropdown menu for Normalization if the data to be mapped needs it. In this case it does because the variable that is being mapped in population.
Figure 12: The final output of the Lab. A map showing population density and a map showing household occupancy for the state of Wisconsin.